Saturday, July 5, 2008

Haitian Art - Drapo

"Drapo Vodou is an art-form unique to Haiti. Constructed of sequins and beads hand-sewn onto fabric, these "flags" bring to life the dynamic iconography of Haitian Vodou. A fusion of African religious beliefs, Vodou evolved in Haiti through generations of slavery, and borrows heavily from imagery brought to Haiti by Catholic missionaries. With parallels in Cuban Santeria, Jamaican Obeah, and other religions of the African diaspora, Haitian Vodou has significant popular appeal in Haiti, finding expression in the social, political, and private realms." (see for more info)

In the past, I have sewn these "flags" on courier bags and pillows... Now we sell them "as is" in the store for $40.00.
And, of course, they are part of our store decor!
Get one today and keep the bad spirits away...

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